Choosing the Right Airscribe
(An overview of air scribe and stylus selection)
PaleoTools® offers a range of precision tools tailored for fossil preparation. With over 28 years
of expertise in pneumatic tools, we’ve designed and manufactured eight tools: the Mighty-
Jack™, the Super-Jack™, the Micro-Jacks™ (1–6) and the NEW Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse.
Additionally, we enhance standard Aro tools such as the PaleoAro and “Tyro”.
We modify and enhance Chicago Pneumatic tools to create the ME-9100™.
Here' s a guide to help you choose the right tool for your needs:
Tool Selection Guide from largest to smallest
1. Heavy-Duty Work: Mighty Jack™.
2. Medium-Duty Work: Super Jack™.
3. Fine Work:
Small Fossils: Micro Jack™ 2–6.
Extremely Fine Detail: Micro Jack™.
Precision work with low pressure on delicate fossils Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse.
4. All-Purpose: ME-9100 or PaleoAro.
5. Matrix Hardness:
Hard Matrix: Use pyramidal stylus or larger tools.
Soft Matrix: Use flat chisels or Micro Jacks™
General Tips
Always match tool size and power to the fossil size and matrix hardness.
Begin with larger tools for gross matrix removal, then transition to smaller tools for
detailed work.
Maintain consistent lubrication to ensure smooth operation and longevity.
Invest in a compressor that can maintain the necessary PSI levels for the tools.
PaleoTools® Mighty Jack™
Best For:
Heavy-duty removal of large matrix blocks with significant fossil content.
Key Features:
Speed & Power: Operates at 8,000–10,000 CPM and 100–120 PSIG (requires a 5 HP
Tooling: Includes a tungsten carbide stylus with optional removable handle for enhanced
Reach: Comes with an 8-ft flexible rubber hose.
Stylus Options:
Flat chisel for softer matrix.
Four-sided pyramidal stylus for harder matrix.
Maintenance: Add 6 drops of air tool oil every 3–4 hours of use.
Designed for efficient matrix removal around large fossils, particularly useful for massive blocks
like those containing dinosaur bones. Combines power with precision to ensure safe extraction.
Ideal For: Large vertebrate fossils (e.g., dinosaur bones).
Effective On: Dense matrix materials like sandstone or limestone.
Performance Tips:
Use flat chisel for bulk removal of softer matrix.
Switch to pyramidal stylus for harder, more resistant materials.
Setup Requirements:
Compressor: Requires a 5 HP or larger compressor for optimal airflow and PSI.
PaleoTools® Super Jack™
Best For:
Intermediate power needs, filling the gap between the Mighty Jack™ and ME-9100.
Key Features:
Power: Twice the power of the ME-9100™, with smooth and controllable operation.
Pressure & Stylus Options: Operates at 120 PSI.
A medium-duty tool designed to bridge the gap between fine air scribes and heavy-duty tools
like the Mighty Jack™.
Use Case:
Precision: Designed for efficient matrix removal while maintaining high precision.
Versatility: Includes an optional removable handle for added versatility.
Ideal for preparators who need more power than the ME-9100™ but less than the Mighty
Stylus Options:
Flat Chisel: For broad matrix removal.
Four-Sided Pyramidal Stylus: For harder matrix.
would be too aggressive.
The optional quick-slip handle provides a firmer grip.
Detailed Applications:
Ideal For: Medium-sized or large fossils, where control and power need to be balanced.
Use Case: Perfect for situations where a smaller tool would be too slow and a larger tool
The ME-9100™
Best For:
Versatile tasks with moderate power needs.
Key Features:
Operates at 15,000 CPM with 2.5 CFM air consumption.
Offers six configurations with interchangeable stylus options for precision or bulk
Requires minimal lubrication: 1 drop of air tool oil per hour.
Stylus options include chisel, pointed, engraving and landscaping styles, with adjustable
lengths (1.5", 2", 3" and 4") for varying accessibility.
Swappable front-end with bushings for different stylus types.​
Purpose & Use Case:
A general-purpose tool for moderate matrix removal, perfect for small to medium fossils in
medium to hard matrices. Its versatility makes it ideal for general fossil prep, commonly used in initial cleaning stages before switching to finer tools.
Detailed Applications:
Suitable for both bulk removal with chisel options.
Popular in labs handling diverse fossil types due to its adaptability.
Pro Tips:
Start with a chisel stylus for broad areas, then switch to sharp points for precision.
Lubricate regularly (1 drop per hour) to maintain smooth operation and extend tool life.
PaleoAro – Precision Fossil Preparation Tool
Delicate Work with Minimal Vibration
Best For:
Bulk matrix removal on fossils where minimal energy transfer is critical to preserving
the integrity of specimens before transferring to fine detail air scribes.
Key Features:
Operating Speed & Air Consumption:
Runs at 30,000 CPM with an air consumption of 2 CFM, ensuring precise operation for
intricate tasks.
Upgraded Design:
Features an improved hose connection for secure operation, and an added air filter for
cleaner performance. A modified front end for air exhaust and modified bushing to use
optional chisel stylus and prevent rotation.
Requires occasional lubrication—just 3–4 drops of oil per 8 hours of operation.
Vibration Control:
Minimal vibration transfer helps protect fossils, making it ideal for smaller tasks.
Purpose & Applications:
Primary Purpose:
Engineered for fossil preparation where precision and reduced vibration are critical.
Performance Specifications:
Airflow: Requires a steady airflow of ~2 CFM to maintain consistent performance.
Speed: Operates at an impressive 30,000 CPM, offering the precision needed.
Durability: The upgraded 8 ft hose with quick disconnect fittings provides improved
flexibility and reduces wear, ensuring long-term use with less maintenance.
PaleoTools® Micro Jacks™ – Precision Tools for Delicate Fossil Work
Fine-Detail Tools for Small, Fragile Specimens
Best For:
Small, delicate fossils and intricate work under a microscope.
Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse: Ideal for ultra-precise work, such as small bones like mouse
toe bones.
Micro Jack™ 1: The smallest model, perfect for fine, detailed prep work on fragile
Micro Jacks™ 2–6: Offer varying levels of power and size, with the Micro Jack 2
designed for ultra-fine dusting and the Micro Jack™ 6 as the most powerful, capable of
handling tougher matrices without sacrificing precision and detail.
Key Features Across the Series:
All models in the series operate at 40,000+ CPM, with the Micro Jack 2 exceeding
55,000 CPM for fine detail tasks.
Aircraft-grade aluminum construction ensures durability while remaining lightweight for
easy handling.
Stylus Options:
Flexible stylus options are available across the series to suit different tasks and provide
precision for varying levels of detail.
Air Requirements:
Micro Jack™ 1-6 requires a minimum of 100 PSI air pressure, with all models
consuming less than 1 CFM of air, making them compatible with small compressors.
Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse requires a minimum of 10 PSI.
Micro Jack Series – Detailed Specifications:
Fine, intricate detail work on delicate fossils, ensuring precision and care in preparation.
Use Case:
Micro Jack™ 1 and Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse:
Ideal for the smallest, most delicate specimens.
Perfect for highly detailed prep work on fragile fossils like fish, insects, or small
Best used under a microscope for maximum control and precision.
Micro Jack™ 2–6:
Micro Jack™ 2: Specially designed for ultra-fine dusting or cleaning fossil
surfaces, offering the finest detail work on soft matrices.
Micro Jack™ 6: The most powerful model, capable of handling slightly tougher
matrices while still preserving detail and precision.
Micro Jack™ 1:
Comes with a .046" stylus, designed for extreme precision.
The stylus is locked to prevent rotation, ensuring stable and controlled operation.
Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse:
1/16” in diameter comes in fine point and chisel.
The stylus is locked to prevent rotation, ensuring stable and controlled operation.
Micro Jack™ 2–6:
These models use a 1/16" stylus, offering sharp points for high precision.
Interchangeable stylus lengths (ranging from 1/16" to longer options) are
available for greater reach and versatility in tight spaces or crevices.
Performance Specs:
Micro Jack™ 1:
Operates effectively at 90-120 PSI, making it ideal for use under a microscope.
Very lightweight, compatible with small, portable compressors.
Minimal air consumption (~1 CFM) ensures energy efficiency.
Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse:
Operates as low as 10 PSI and has a range up to 90 PSI.
Very minimal vibration and will not disrupt your specimen
Stylus is locked into place hitting in the same spot with every stroke.
The body is 3 ¾ in length making it easy to use under a microscope.
Micro Jack™ 2–6:
Operates at 40,000–55,000 CPM, with the #2 model excelling in ultra-fine
These models can handle progressively larger or tougher tasks while maintaining
Applications & Performance Notes:
Micro Jack™ 1 and Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse:
Best for ultra-delicate work, such as preparing small bones, fish, or insect fossils.
Works well under a microscope for fine, detailed work on edges, ornamentation,
or intricate features.
Minimal air consumption, making it compatible with small portable compressors.
Micro Jack™ 2–6:
Micro Jack™ 2: Best for ultra-fine dusting or cleaning, suitable for delicate
fossils requiring fine surface preparation.
Micro Jack™ 6: The most powerful in the series, capable of handling slightly
harder matrices without compromising precision.
Each model is scalable, with increasing levels of power and size for various tasks,
making the series versatile for different stages of fossil preparation.
The Micro Jack™ Series provides precision tools tailored for fine-detail fossil preparation.
Whether handling the most fragile specimens with Micro Jack™ 1 and Micro Jack™ Mini
Pulse or tackling more substantial matrices with the more powerful Micro Jack™ 6, this series
ensures the highest level of accuracy and durability, all while consuming minimal air and being
compatible with small compressors.
Supporting Equipment and Techniques
1. Air Compressors:
For heavy-duty tools like the Mighty Jack™, use a compressor with at least 5 HP
and a high CFM rating.
Smaller tools (Micro Jack™ series) can operate efficiently with portable
compressors at lower PSI.
Regular maintenance of compressors (draining moisture, cleaning filters) ensures
consistent tool performance.
2. Dust Management:
Use a dust collection system or vacuum to keep the workspace clean and improve
For delicate work, employ a fine mist spray bottle to reduce airborne particles
without soaking the fossil.
3. Lighting and Magnification:
Position adjustable LED lights to minimize shadows during work.
For detailed tasks, a stereo microscope with good depth of field is essential.
4. Tool Handling:
Practice controlled movements to avoid accidental slips.
Start at lower PSI settings and gradually increase as needed.
Always work outward from the fossil to prevent gouging.
5. Stylus Maintenance:
Regularly inspect for wear and replace dull or damaged styli to maintain
Store stylus tips in a secure, organized case to prevent loss or damage.
Replace and lubricate “o” rings regularly.
Matrix Hardness and Tool Selection
Soft Matrices:
Use flat chisels or smaller tools like Micro Jack™ series.
Medium Matrices:
Opt for ME-9100™ or Paleo Aro for efficient material removal without
compromising the speciman.
Hard Matrices:
Employ Mighty Jack™ or Super Jack™ with a four-sided pyramidal stylus for
breaking tough layers.
Additional Advice by Fossil Type
Large Vertebrates (Dinosaur Bones, Mammoths)
Recommended Tools: Mighty Jack™, Super Jack™.
Matrix: Hard sandstone or conglomerates.
Begin with heavy-duty tools for matrix removal around the bulk of the fossil.
Transition to finer tools for joints and thin edges.
Small Vertebrates (Fish, Small Mammals)
Recommended Tools: Micro Jack 2–6, ME-9100.
Matrix: Shale, claystone.
Use medium-duty tools for broader clearing, then fine-detail tools for scales and
Monitor fossil stability closely and avoid overuse of power tools near fragile
Plant Fossils (Leaves, Wood, Ferns)
Recommended Tools: Micro Jack™ series.
Matrix: Soft mudstone, shale and sandstone.
Work parallel to matrix layers to expose fossils without damaging fine details.
Marine Fossils (Ammonites, Trilobites, Shells)
Recommended Tools: PaleoAro, Micro Jack™ series.
Matrix: Soft limestone or calcareous shale.
Prioritize tools with minimal vibration to preserve fine structures.
Use pointed styli for spirals and ornamentation.
Microfossils (Insects, Crinoids)
Recommended Tools: Micro Jack™ Mini Pulse and 1–3.
Matrix: Soft chalk, fine-grained shale.
Always work under a microscope or magnification to monitor the progress.
Stabilize the matrix with a consolidant if needed before starting.